I've been privileged to be part of a web publication collaboration on the subject of Caffenol.
Though not entirely finished at the time of the posting, it is not far from completion. Please note that it is in Flash format at the moment. Other more mobile/iPhone/iPad friendly formats will be available later.
The Caffenol Cookbook
In the sense that most if not everything I´ll be discussing can be done at home in your kitchen, from DIY projects to film development with household chemicals.
Visit my new blog
I´ve decided to split my blog in two. I will continue to post DIY projects and musings here, but (serious) pictures, taken on film of course, will be posted in my new blog "Silver Halides"
I now consider Caffenol to be a developer like any else. As such the new blog will focus more on the pictures, rather than the process.
Mobile version is up. If your device does not pick up the correct version, force it by typing http://m.caffenol-cookbook.com